This, you'd need a large cargo bike + trailer to even cover the every day things. As soon as you get into once a week type jobs your stuffed. For me its always having a massive pile of used parts and scrap bikes available to pilfer stuff from, without that constant pile of junk i'd get stuck (then have to have a phone call, estimate increase, and a 1 week wait for cust to get their bike back) about every 6 hours.
We do mobile stuff for uni/college/big businesses onsite, but its a short 2-4 hour RECABLE ALL THE THINGS sesh and you aren't expected to be gettting seized BB's out.At this time its tempting to start stocking a few bikes (we're workshop/service only, smattering of consumables and useful parts in for retail, no apparel etc) but this is a bubble and it will burst. A sad looking collection of cheap hybrids has probably been the deathnell to many a small shop, got to be careful not to get sucked into it.
Maybe its time to take the workshop to the people if the Shop business model doesnt work . Surely businesses like this are in high demand at the moment . You buy and get it delivered then i come round with my cordless dremel and hammer to fix it.