Taken me 6 weeks to realise this. The wave of work is going ti stretch for a while yet, waiting for evans/halfords to open up a bit more and take some of the crap job slack.
Our shop is positioned in a very residential area, so we have the luxury of not having to (usually) deal with walk in shit bikes and endless punctures. But since lockdown we've often been the only shop open/answering the phone to our demise.
Spending more time looking after repeat customers and locals, those that rock up in a brand new leased white audi/merc/bmw and then projectile vomit a collection of mangled parts from an Internet bike/halfords bike are getting less time spent on them as will likely never see again. Not a way I like to be, but can't fix everything all the time constantly.
Taken me 6 weeks to realise this. The wave of work is going ti stretch for a while yet, waiting for evans/halfords to open up a bit more and take some of the crap job slack.
Our shop is positioned in a very residential area, so we have the luxury of not having to (usually) deal with walk in shit bikes and endless punctures. But since lockdown we've often been the only shop open/answering the phone to our demise.
Spending more time looking after repeat customers and locals, those that rock up in a brand new leased white audi/merc/bmw and then projectile vomit a collection of mangled parts from an Internet bike/halfords bike are getting less time spent on them as will likely never see again. Not a way I like to be, but can't fix everything all the time constantly.