• #3952
6 days worth of food, 10 000kcal a day? Is 16kg of fig rolls.
• #3953
If you had a bit more money and bought dehydrated macaroni and cheese then you'd only need 12kg. Cost for the fig rolls vs dehydrated mac and cheese is 36£ vs 465£
• #3954
O brady is a joke.
• #3955
More dumbness that should be postponed until things get closer to normal. The concept is interesting, but for a later time.
• #3956
What a joke
If you’re stupid enough to sign up for this then you fully deserve the megabonk at 999k to go with only foraged stinging nettles to get you thru -
• #3957
As a point of reference, on my fairly large sized and large bagged hardtail, I can carry just about 3 days worth of food before running out of space. It’s a pig to ride it like that but you can do it. 2 days is fine if a bit heavy.
From memory the Revelate designs guys have done 7 days self-supported in Alaska, with fatbikes and packrafts and giant packs, but one of them was eating raw butter for calorie density by the end. And they’re no amateurs!
• #3958
i stated SRMR with 40,000 cal of food. So it's possible.
my rig weighed 35kg tho!
• #3959
Damn, respect
• #3960
i initially read that as 40,000 cal of cat food.. Dyslexiaaa. still, mind blown.
• #3961
I was only interested in the food aspect, not his crossing claims.
• #3962
Imagine the state of your guts after eating that lot :)
• #3963
Yeah, it's a very interesting concept, but the timing doesn't sit right with me, especially as AUK and CTT are still postponing events and we are still being told to stay home to reduce any impact on travel. As soon as you have people bailing - if they're unable to cycle then they're on public transport or using cars, neither of which are good options.
• #3964
Local brewery has a nettle beer on at the moment. I'll try it and get back to you on likely survival rates...
• #3965
40 x 1kcal at ~225g = ~9kg, £360
There's 8 days at 5000kcal. More weight might save some money but that's a decent £ commitment right there on just food to do something which seems pretty irresponsible unless you're Dom Cum.
• #3966
Yup. Could just about understand someone going off to do this solo in August-time. A brand-supported race is different. Especially as most of the entrants are people who aren't likely to be those most directly affected by Corona. Self-sufficient sounds a great twist though. Racers filtering water and eating nettle soup as Platy said would be fun to follow. Not sure how you would police it though?
• #3967
Not sure how you would police it though?
Apart from the usual dot-watching you couldn't. Oh, I guess they could check starting food supplies to see if there's actually close to enough calories to finish and then audit their rubbish at the end.. :)
• #3968
yes it wasn't all expedition food though, some baklava for the yummyness
• #3969
You would have to be mad to enter that. Anyone on here giving it a go?
• #3970
Yeah, just working out what kind of weight/cost would be using exped stuff. If I want to get into some of this dirt stuff I'm going to have to get used to carrying my own food and see what's best for water, be it filtering or tablets.
• #3971
Deffo. I've just bought 3 BOB trailers to tow my food with...
• #3973
• #3974
Filter and tablets. Fiter everything. Tablet + filter the real nasty shit. And tablets incase filter brakes.
• #3975
Surely the UK is wet enough there'll be running water most reachable in most places? My guts is pretty robust so, come at me animalshitwater!
Currently I don't have a filter but I do have tablets. What filter do you use?
Is it really practical to be able to carry enough food for a ride with so much offroad? Colin O’Brady dragged a sled with his custom made energy bars and oatmeal etc but admittedly he needed more stuff to avoid freezing to death. Apparently he had something like 1.5kg of food per day for 8000 calories which isn't quite as sustainable on a bike unless you're going to finish quickly.
I wonder how "healthy" it is to switch to a sort of ultra-ascetic event on top of something that already is about people pushing boundaries given how many people seem to scratch from them anyway (I think 10 or 12 finishers last year?). Genuine question given I've never ridden more than a couple of days at a time in terms of long rides.
That said it limits the number of people prepared to commit to it so it keeps the number of starters down in a period where events in general are going to be looked at with raised eyebrows. Perhaps self-selection was what they were shooting for.