The weird 'pre-derailleur'
I don't know what this is, but I suspect it's an amateur bodge up. I'm certainly no expert on this period, but I think at least some of it is a Vittoria 'Baguette' - see drawing on Disraeli Gears.
I suspect the pipe which appears to go to the changer fork is nothing to do with moving the chain, but is an oiler from a reservoir in the seat tube (Oppy's bikes used this system).
The fork itself looks superficially like a changing fork, but the whole thing seems too flimsy to move the chain.The chain tensioning pulley is in a position which just doesn't seem to make any sense.
As for 'pre-derailleur' this makes no sense, because this mechanism, if it could ever work at all, must be about 'derailling' the chain.
Heh :)
That Granby is back as a stripped frame. Boo https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Granby-Bicycle-Frameset-1930-s/114234890496?hash=item1a98ee1900:g:vcEAAOSwI4Veyptr
[The headset came out in 1948 so unless fork steerer was cut I think unlikely it’s 1930s, but who knows.]
This is intriguing, I know next to nothing about Osgear etc. so no comment on what or how unusual it is ... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VINTAGE-PRE-DERAILLEUR-GRANBY-CAMPAGNOLO-CYCLO-OSGEAR-SIMPLEX-RESILION-ETC/383560696293?hash=item594dffc1e5:g:y4MAAOSw~vZeytZh