I've got an old frame in the stand and it's got a 1 1/8" threaded loose ball headset. Got a pack of 100 grade 10 steel balls in 5/32" size instead of using caged bearings as recommended by more experienced mechanics.
Search engine results only coming up with 1" headsets where the consensus is 25 loose balls in 5/32" size.
Would anyone know how many balls is correct for a 1 1/8" cup?
I've got an old frame in the stand and it's got a 1 1/8" threaded loose ball headset. Got a pack of 100 grade 10 steel balls in 5/32" size instead of using caged bearings as recommended by more experienced mechanics.
Search engine results only coming up with 1" headsets where the consensus is 25 loose balls in 5/32" size.
Would anyone know how many balls is correct for a 1 1/8" cup?
Any help would be much appreciated!