• #327
• #328
Fuuuuu. I have been to that museum.
• #329
• #330
Tree jizz like snowdrifts outside my front door. Fuckssake.....
• #331
Fucking owwww
• #332
You bell
• #333
Dug out the drugs for the last couple of days. Don't know if they help but I just love popping pills. mmm old man pill box... so many colours just so I don't die... mmm
• #334
bit polleny out.
1 Attachment
• #335
Oh dear god my eyes. The day i forget to pop a pill too!!
• #336
have taken two. they do nothing.
• #337
That's actually made me feel better
• #338
Roadsweeper in victoria park this morning kicking up mountains of curb pollen absolutely done me.
• #339
Oh joy its that time of year again, itchy streaming eyes and repeated coughing like a cat with a hair ball. This year because of Corona I'm getting extra paranoid looks from people. I almost felt I had to shout out, "relax, its the trees" (I've had Corona 6 weeks ago so its defo not that).
• #340
Today was fucking horrible even with sunglasses on! Sort your shit out, nature
• #341
4 years ago • #278
Avatar for spotter spotterits started again
Four years ago... Hard to imagine this... A time when we had no idea about coronavirus...
Now I cant decide if its hay-fever or a pandemic virus destined to wipe us out. -
• #342
Yesterday was brutal for me... Red Piss holes in the snow.
• #343
plane trees doing their thing at the minute
lots of jagged pollen around -
• #344
Yeah. Pretty savage today.
• #345
and bugs. Flying bugs. Everywhere. In my eyes.
• #346
Fucking dying right now...
• #347
Dry cough too....
Is it hot? Why it so hot? Why's it so hot... Is it hot?! I can't breathe...
• #348
Felt like my eyeballs had been sand blasted today. Then when that was done re finished in flies going over Hackney marshes.
^ oh and also the hot
• #349
I've never had hayfever and asthma so bad. It was alot better (as was traffic) after sunset so really enjoyed the night time return leg of my trip, and would recommend trying a night ride for the improved air quality. Otherwise dying
• #350
I have recently used vaseline around my eyes straight after a shower.
Even a discreet thin layer makes a world of difference.
Rip your eyes out.