Curious as to people's reasons for buying antibody tests
Not saying it applies to anyone here but from discussions elsewhere it seems for many to be an attempt at post-hoc justification for poor social distancing behaviour.
"Well, if I'm immune I can't have been spreading the virus to anyone."
If the general population turns from a stance of "Act like you have the virus" (rather than "Act like you don't want to get the virus") to "Act like you've had the virus" then social distancing is going to quickly disappear down the pan and take a good number of other people down with it.
(And conveniently ignores the fact that those with a positive antibody test can still be infectious, albeit only for a few days, and can forever transfer the virus thanks to poor personal hygiene [specifically handwashing] if they come into contact with it elsewhere.)
Curious as to people's reasons for buying antibody tests