just realised it's a different guitar to those in the photos. not sure if it's an older model i've been sent? seems to have the same model number though. biggest differences seem to be on the body's top, which probably explains why it felt a little bit cheaper than i was expecting
Well spotted! I've got the one you received as well.
If I've worked it out right, that link and picture is to an a9M which has a glossy top and no decoration around the sound hole.
However, what we actually received was the m9m which has a matte finish and decoration.
I really like the guitar - loud, resonant, detailed. Only thing i'm not sure on is that matte finish - it's quite noisy when you're strumming away at it, and as I make gentle music that might be a pain. Will see if I can polish it smooth somehow.
it sounds pretty nice! the neck feels decent, the body feels a bit cheaper than the rest of the guitar, but it was £127 or something so can't have too many complaints on that front
just realised it's a different guitar to those in the photos. not sure if it's an older model i've been sent? seems to have the same model number though. biggest differences seem to be on the body's top, which probably explains why it felt a little bit cheaper than i was expecting