We've got bindweed in one of our beds - is the only solution to dig as much of it out as we can? Weed suppressing membrane doesn't seem to faze it as it just grows sideways til it finds the edge.
See it, pull it.
Digging will help but effort involved depends how diggable your soil is. Fwiw it takes me about 3hrs to dig and sift a 5ft by 3ft space, and the bindweed & horsetail still grows in abundance.
Progress... a bit of frost burn or sunburn on the spuds where they were in contact with the fleece during the cold snap, but that's supposed to be it for this year, so got the beans, peas and courgettes in. Put down nematodes to keep the slugs away for a few weeks while everything gets established.
We've got bindweed in one of our beds - is the only solution to dig as much of it out as we can? Weed suppressing membrane doesn't seem to faze it as it just grows sideways til it finds the edge.