• I've bought a Yashica MG-1 off of ebay recently. It was sold as untested so I'm not too surprised that the light meter/ electronics don't work at all. I can adjust the aperture and film speed but not much else, the shutter speed is determined by the light meter I suppose. There's the option to turn the camera to flash mode which I believe sets the shutter speed to 1/30. Is there a light meter app that will allow you to determine which film and shutter speed you're aiming for and tell you which aperture to use so that I can set the fucker to 1/30 and tweak the aperture to get the right exposure?

  • Yeah my zenit b doesn’t have a light meter, I use an app called Lux which was free in the App Store. Seems to work ok.

    Though until this first roll is developed, I can’t say what the results will be like.
