My memory is terrible, which makes me extremely forgiving... I come in without much prior context and just look at whatever the state of play is. I tend not to take sides, largely because I don't think people are fundamentally wrong, or have lied, or anything... there are just lots of different perspectives and probably also things going on in people's personal lives that lead to people to reach different conclusions on things. Most of the time I conclude that the best thing to do is largely nothing... or to ban someone obvious... or to advise people to step back from the keyboard.
I can't recall whatever historical storm in the teapot still motivates you to continue this thread lynx, you do seem to be doing a one-person job of it though. It's a nice day, maybe step back from the keyboard and go ride your bike?
That used to be the way to respond, and it's still a good one... go for a ride and put the forum in perspective, it's just a means of communication, maybe everyone is an ass, maybe we're the asses, maybe it doesn't matter because it's gorgeous outside and it's all about the ride.
I'm going to close the thread for a while... I don't wish to sieve through the comments looking for people actually trying to ping me with requests whilst some serious omphaloskepsis is going on.
My memory is terrible, which makes me extremely forgiving... I come in without much prior context and just look at whatever the state of play is. I tend not to take sides, largely because I don't think people are fundamentally wrong, or have lied, or anything... there are just lots of different perspectives and probably also things going on in people's personal lives that lead to people to reach different conclusions on things. Most of the time I conclude that the best thing to do is largely nothing... or to ban someone obvious... or to advise people to step back from the keyboard.
I can't recall whatever historical storm in the teapot still motivates you to continue this thread lynx, you do seem to be doing a one-person job of it though. It's a nice day, maybe step back from the keyboard and go ride your bike?
That used to be the way to respond, and it's still a good one... go for a ride and put the forum in perspective, it's just a means of communication, maybe everyone is an ass, maybe we're the asses, maybe it doesn't matter because it's gorgeous outside and it's all about the ride.
I'm going to close the thread for a while... I don't wish to sieve through the comments looking for people actually trying to ping me with requests whilst some serious omphaloskepsis is going on.