I've never ridden Breckland but ridden #fuckloads on the A31. It was faster than all the other 12s I'd done for me because it was the only one I raced before the 24hr (but it's also probably faster). But I always wanted to ride Breckland because that's where Wilko did his 317. Never got the timings right though. The plan was to race it this year and go for 300+ but that ain't happening.
I'm the other way round. I've only done Bentley once, on the 12, but I've ridden Breckland fucktons. Couple of 50s, three 100s, and a smattering of 10s and 25s. The northern section is horrible due to the road surface, but the DC sections are pretty fast.
I've never ridden Breckland but ridden #fuckloads on the A31. It was faster than all the other 12s I'd done for me because it was the only one I raced before the 24hr (but it's also probably faster). But I always wanted to ride Breckland because that's where Wilko did his 317. Never got the timings right though. The plan was to race it this year and go for 300+ but that ain't happening.