the really slow finishing circuit.
Is it though? Isn't it the same course Wilko had the 317 Comp Record on?
Where did Duggleby do his 321?https://www.veloveritas.co.uk/2018/07/03/adam-duggleby-jun18/
Pretty sure that Duggleby's comp record was the Bentley course not the Breckland course which Joe (sort of) did 325 on. The finishing circuit of the Bentley course is much faster than that on the Breckland course as it's all DC, whereas the finishing circuit on the Breckland course is rather lumpy and twisty SC stuff. Overall I'd say the Bentley course is faster, but I've only ridden each one once so it's difficult to compare.
If I remember correctly he took the Southern turn one RAB too early on the opening circuit and then once again on the southern circuit, and in doing so avoided the climb up to the southern turn twice.
And 325 miles is deffers smashing it in my books, particularly given the conditions. And the really slow finishing circuit.