I'd be keen to know the same. I've set myself targets times for 5km, 10km, and now, a HM. I'm doing a garmin HM training plan at the moment, which is the first time I've done structured training (I'm a casual runner, I flick between this and cycling without proper focus on either).
I figured the other way round though - start on the longer distance to get your base miles in, then naturally your times will also come down on the others. Afterwards I'll then focus on the 10km and finally the 5km. Seems mentally easier too to get the biggun done first. But no idea if that's sound logic
I ran my fastest 5km while training for long and steep fell races and an ultra. Obviously my general mediocrity as a runner means I can have improvement across the board without a great deal of specificity.
Personally I’d pick the thing you’re most focused on and chuck some accessory stuff in for anything else.
Others in the thread will be better qualified to advise tho.
Ignore the marathon, I basically walked the second half.
I'm keen to beat all of those times, is there a training plan that encompasses all of them, or would that be far too broad, and I'm better off focussing on trying to hit a fast 10km, then move onto a half, etc etc?