I take a zinc, magnesium and B6 before bed, along with 5htp.
Started taking it when I was training lots and sleeping terribly, seems to work. Occasionally stop taking it and I feel like it makes a noticeable difference. IANAD obvs. Also not much data on long term use of 5htp, but I also only take 200mg.
I take a multivitamin with magnesium and zinc and iron and some other stuff, then separate vitamin D and a cranberry supplement. I used to take separate zinc tablets as I somehow had low levels of zinc that manifested in bits of my skin peeling off. Maybe it's all woowoo but I'm in the habit of taking them now.
Do many of you guys take magnesium? I don’t but think I might give it a go.
For people that do/have - are the tablets all pretty similar?