Yup, worked well. I even found a short video on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zg4ZFruCfSg
The rim still had original tape. After I was able to get the tire on the wheel, had no trouble seating, no leaks so far. Cheers.
For the front tire I'm waiting on a Tesa delivery, got 25 mm wide, hoping it's not too much. The wheel was rebuilt years ago with a new rim and had narrow Shimano tape on which isn't tubeless compatible. I tried retaping with a roll of Kapton (what I had in my misc tapes box) but couldn't get it on without wrinkles, didn't work.
I would just bend it out carefully. Although the general advice is not to do this I’ve done it multiple times, use a small adjustable spanner and be careful not to bend it too far.