Looking into whether an old printer can still be used after a few years, downloaded drivers etc. Plugged it in, switched it on, green power light came on for a few seconds... then off. Now unresponsive. Power cable fine. It's a 2-prong figure-of-8 socket shape s so quite common, not involving a transformer. Is it possible to fry something in the printer that way? Is there a fuse that can be accessed/changed?
Power lead and its plug is ok - currently powering other things.
Yeah, annoying. It's been sitting at my dad's gathering dust for 5 years, he wanted to try using it for remote working recently and couldn't get past driver issue. I think I've got the drivers but now printer seems a bit ded.
Looking into whether an old printer can still be used after a few years, downloaded drivers etc. Plugged it in, switched it on, green power light came on for a few seconds... then off. Now unresponsive. Power cable fine. It's a 2-prong figure-of-8 socket shape s so quite common, not involving a transformer. Is it possible to fry something in the printer that way? Is there a fuse that can be accessed/changed?