First of the Alliums up in the back garden. There's 6. Strange thing is that I've never planted Alliums in the back garden. Only in the front.
Couple of scenarios I can think of:
1) they were on the neighbours side of the fence and when they had a new fence put up last year, they were accidentally relocated onto our side in the soil.
2) Squirrels buried them there.
I love Alliums.
First of the Alliums up in the back garden. There's 6. Strange thing is that I've never planted Alliums in the back garden. Only in the front.
Couple of scenarios I can think of:
1) they were on the neighbours side of the fence and when they had a new fence put up last year, they were accidentally relocated onto our side in the soil.
2) Squirrels buried them there.
I love Alliums.