Being organic is neither hear nor there, given the fluffy vagueness of the label, but they are palm oil / bulking agent, and no added sugar. The second is no added salt, which is nice.
They're mostly used for PB&J on toast, which I eat probably too much of.
Otherwise, I think the stuff is disgusting.
I also have a few different Meridian nut butters, in small jars, for the odd pudding / sweet dish.
I eat these, depending on stock availability.
Being organic is neither hear nor there, given the fluffy vagueness of the label, but they are palm oil / bulking agent, and no added sugar. The second is no added salt, which is nice.
They're mostly used for PB&J on toast, which I eat probably too much of.
Otherwise, I think the stuff is disgusting.
I also have a few different Meridian nut butters, in small jars, for the odd pudding / sweet dish.