The straps are Voile straps, I got them from https://www.justpedal.nl/en/search?controller=search&orderby=position&orderway=desc&search_query=voile&submit_search= . @Harry.Major also sells them here https://wizard.works/collections/use-shoulder-strap , might be cheaper in the UK.
Don't have much in the way of pictures, but as it's pretty much a direct copy of the Outer Shell strap you can look at theirs here: https://www.outershelladventure.com/shop/camera-strap All I have is a picture from the fitting session.
Got back into the game with a little frame bag to carry tools, compatible with both of my bikes:
And I did a camera strap à la Outer Shell Adventure for a friend. Got the camera attaching hardware from AliExpress as I couldn't find a supplier in the EU and the buckles (including a magnetic one) from https://www.adventurexpert.com/ :