If you can't hold the joint together using only hand strength when you are dry fitting then you are asking for trouble.
Out of curiosity what plane did youuse to prep it?
Apologies for coming in and telling seasoned guitar builders stuff but this applies to the type of work I regularly do with other kinds of woodworking.
You are of course right. but hindsight, etc.
I didn't plane it, my mate did, with a machine. At least the flats.
The edges I planed with a tiny Kunz 102 handplane. Totally the wrong tool for the job, but alas there is actually no other plane in my workshop. Got to spend some cash on a proper one sometime.
I used a fuckload of clamps, which didn't have enough pressure to get the planed-4-days-ago boards into shape.
Stuff that would probably have helped:
@christianSpaceman : That actually sounds quite interesting. Gotta think about that and how I'd do it.