It's here! Well, at the post office. Ordered on the 5th April, but once it actually made it onto a plane not so bad. £15.79 customs to pay on top of the ~£47 quid (post-conversion) purchase price, if anyone else wishes to be informed before taking the plunge. Should have just bought it from your uk link and saved myself a lot of hassle.
It does exactly what its supposed to. Slightly clunky app, but once it’s set up you don’t need to go back to it. Mission accomplished, turbo’d this morning with my ANT+ hr and power coming up on my iPad just fine. 6 week mission accomplished.
It's here! Well, at the post office. Ordered on the 5th April, but once it actually made it onto a plane not so bad. £15.79 customs to pay on top of the ~£47 quid (post-conversion) purchase price, if anyone else wishes to be informed before taking the plunge. Should have just bought it from your uk link and saved myself a lot of hassle.