• Cheers! Yeah, rides well!

    Have an 110 X2 on the MASH which I'll swap to try, taa. Definitely feels like a bigger frame than the Donohue was, I have to reach down further to get a bottle.

    I've been thinking more about bike geo with comparing the ride of this to Donohue & it'd be nice to quantify the differences better. The Donohue isn't an off-the-peg frame & wasn't built for me, so there's no geometry charts available. Does anyone have any experience in measuring the geometry from the frame?

    I've only got a tape measure, & I figure a protractor wouldn't be much use anyway as it'd be hard to get an accurate measurement with the tubes curving away. Got a 300mm lens for my DSLR lying around, so could try a long shot & measuring on the photo, but it'd be hard to get it lined up properly. Perhaps just measuring what I can & then seeing if I can SOH CAH TOA my way to all the necessary measurements. Any ideas?

    Edit: I guess I can try whatever technique with a frame I do know the geometry of, & validate the results.

  • Put the rear wheel against a wall, measure points on the frame (dropouts, bb, stem clamp, tube junctions etc) wrt the wall. Use a phone app angle measurement tool too and you should get a decent idea of what's going on.
