• #22602
Elastic band around your head also works but I can't say I'd recommend it (desperate times, desperate measures).
• #22603
That's really interesting. I looked at the NB Vongos and were put off but lack of heel drop but maybe that could be a good but too.
When you say lack of input what do you mean?
I've just started running in the react infinity (from zoom structures) and have had some knee pain which is frustrating.
• #22604
To make a cycling analogy IMO:
Stability trainers with stiff insole: Puncture proof commuter tyres
Neutral flats: Racing slickLess input/ground feel for the foot. There's a theory that more cushioning means you end up slamming your feet in to the ground as your brains is looking for input/feedback from the ground.
I've that found middle ground works well for me in the mini/maximalist debate (low cushion - high drop). In summers I usually will do my strides barefoot.
The fasttwitch 9's have the same drop as the vongo's (4mm). I'd give the fast twitch a go if you have the react infinity and start by just using them for speedwork/some shorter runs.
For me cycling + sitting down for most of the day leads to pretty tight hips and is usually the cause of any pain or imbalances rather than the shoe.
Check out this physios youtube channel, he also has videos with exercises for overpronation.
• #22605
Have you tried foam earbuds instead of the rubber ones? I found them less susceptible to slipping generally, especially when they get a bit sweaty. Maybe the cheapest thing to try next.
Failing that, another vote for bose soundsport, i find them very secure.
• #22606
Nice will check that out!
Will give the fastwitch a go and will let you know how they work out! Cheers man
• #22607
Took 1 min off my post-ankle 5k PB.
Thankfully it didn't feel noticeably harder than any of the previous runs but I guess the extra miles, slight weight loss, and longer runs in my schedule are beginning to help.
Still 4 and a bit minutes to find to get back to the original PB but I need to be 10kg lighter to find that.
• #22608
I haven't but I'm sure I have some somewhere, ill give it a go cheers
• #22609
I've used JVC Marshmallows in the past. You can squeeze them like an earplug and they expand in your ear. Very much cheap and cheerful but that's what you're after right?
• #22610
Just started cheating and running circuits of a small park. Not having to run up massive hills or cross roads makes me look faster on Strava. Highly recommended
• #22611
Good strategy!
Reminds me.. . Back in the old days before Covid there were a large number of flat fast traffic free spaces, mostly measured to exactly 400m and some with really favourable conditions underfoot.
Perhaps one day we'll all be able to enjoy running on them again.
• #22612
There’s one of those near me, but up a massive hill
• #22613
Just did 5k in 18:19. That’s fairly decent right? Felt properly fucked afterwards.
Also, got a Polar H10 so I can geek out on heart rate stuff. My resting heart rate has always been a bit high but seems to work fine.
• #22614
Very much so
• #22615
That’s fairly decent right?
Yes. Huge run, well done!
• #22616
One of those freak days I guess. Now just need to get the 10k faster.
• #22617
very decent... nice.
• #22618
been using the Garmin route planner and pro pacer for my longer runs recently. As I often run without a phone it’s quite handy. Running longer is obvs harder but nice to get out and experience new places. Once lockdown is over I think I’m going to try travelling to places to go run a route, rather than running the same loops near me day after day
• #22619
Saw some proper footballers wives gaffs out around Chigwell yesterday which was fun
• #22620
LLHM cancelled: https://www.llhm.co.uk/event-cancellation
(They'd postponed it from March and were hoping to host it later in the year, but that's obviously not worked out given the uncertainty.)
Request a refund if you want to cruelly steal the money from Tommy's charity.
(Other options exist.)
• #22621
Managed an 18:34 5k today. Really curious to head to an athletics track and see what I can do with no hills or roads to cross etc.
• #22622
Nice going! Track's definitely a nice fast surface to run on, although don't underestimate the mental aspect of running round in circles at a hard pace. Seeing the lap counter grind down during a 5k race is like clock-watching on a tube platform.
Ah, track! :-(
We've got another virtual race challenge at the weekend, paying homage to the Comrades Marathon; 55 miles to do between teams of 8. I've volunteered to do 12 miles on Saturday, so I'm in mini-taper mode for a couple of days. Will still keep my exercise-streak going though. 65 days and counting.
• #22623
Quality - that’s some running!
• #22624
Im tired thinking about that.
• #22625
Finally got my times trending down rather than up. Lockdown has slaughtered my exercise time, so i have been getting less and less fit, but with effort and 4 * 5km a week I've stopped slowing down and may even be speeding back up, dipped back under the 5min a km.
I think the difference is the podcasts which distract me enough from running. Maybe I should record what i listen too along side the time, see if better podcasts make me run faster?
I've looked in to these as I've been converted to running in neutral flats and have mild/moderate overpronation. I wouldn't worry too much as nowadays "stability" shoes are less corrective. Find a model that you feel comfortable in and work on your form/biomechanics.
Personally I've found that running in a stability shoe with a supportive insole leads to less input. I've gone from the Adidas Ultraboost ST with a custom insole to the adidas adizero adios 3. I do all my runs in the adios apart from short recovery runs. I'm considering adding the fasttwitch to do speedwork/threshhold stuff as I'm curious about how I'll find less drop.
If you need more convincing:
some other "stability" flats: