Right, getting fucked off with my WiFi. My iPhone does that thing where it shits out and hangs between the mixed 2ghz and 5ghz signal. I’ve split the WiFi so it’s broadcasting two separate signals and that seemed to help for a bit but it’s doing it again. It’s noticeably faster on the 5ghz signal but it keeps dropping the connection and it disappears for ages and I can’t see it to reconnect. The 2ghz signal is always there and stays connected, but it is slower and there’s a delay before it does anything, which I don’t get on the 5ghz. Plus it regularly just hangs and does nothing until I toggle the phone WiFi off and on.
I’ve tried to move the WiFi onto another channel for both signals but it doesn’t seem to help. Makes no difference if I’m close or far from the router. It’s the standard router that comes with Vodafone/BT/Plusnet etc. No other device has any problems connecting. All the laptops, both Chromecasts and OH’s Android phone are fine.
Right, getting fucked off with my WiFi. My iPhone does that thing where it shits out and hangs between the mixed 2ghz and 5ghz signal. I’ve split the WiFi so it’s broadcasting two separate signals and that seemed to help for a bit but it’s doing it again. It’s noticeably faster on the 5ghz signal but it keeps dropping the connection and it disappears for ages and I can’t see it to reconnect. The 2ghz signal is always there and stays connected, but it is slower and there’s a delay before it does anything, which I don’t get on the 5ghz. Plus it regularly just hangs and does nothing until I toggle the phone WiFi off and on.
I’ve tried to move the WiFi onto another channel for both signals but it doesn’t seem to help. Makes no difference if I’m close or far from the router. It’s the standard router that comes with Vodafone/BT/Plusnet etc. No other device has any problems connecting. All the laptops, both Chromecasts and OH’s Android phone are fine.
Anyone got any idea what I need to do?
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