• I love the "dynamo is cactus" comment. Looks like a charming beater! Keen to see how it turns out.

    Back in the bike shop we used these measuring rods, but that might not be of much use to you:

    You could perhaps carry the frame to bike shop - under the thinly veiled pretense of buying some tubes or bargain bin bar tape - and ask to use their measuring tool?

  • Looks like your picture link is broken. Do you mean this?

    I may have to take it to the shop. Alternately I could take this website's comment that most lower end french bikes will be 26.2mm . And then if the seat tube is slightly larger (26.4mm) I'll just shim it up with a can from a local Parisian beer for authenticity.

  • That's what I meant yes. I'd probably go to the shop but that's because I like bike shops.

    Beer can shim sounds fine to me too, and a great excuse for some lockdown boozing.
