I admit it seems unlikely, but Vietnam isn’t China where they routinely lie about things like this. I’m more inclined to believe them.
Also, I really wasn’t. I was pointing out two extremes. Germany is being pretty tight on controls which is why they have a relatively low death rate. We have had low controls and next to no enforcement of them, which is why we’re in the shit.
I admit it seems unlikely, but Vietnam isn’t China where they routinely lie about things like this. I’m more inclined to believe them.
What are you basing this on? Gut instinct, first hand experience, research, NGO reports etc?
My experience in both countries having traveled there on leisure and work I’d say the RSF has it spot on. They’re both terrible.
I don't, I simply don't believe them.
... you were. No one is getting shot in Germany either, and yet they are looking a lot better than the UK in all of this.