19 of them according to this, producing 50million bottles of sanitizer for the NHS. https://www.heraldscotland.com/business_hq/18362230.scottish-distillers-produce-50-million-litres-hand-sanitiser-nhs/&ved=2ahUKEwj3l-rt06vpAhWailwKHRtBBs0QFjAAegQIBBAB&usg=AOvVaw02JirL0teyt5nk65qhUbCf
It's up to businesses themselves to decide if they can operate safely-be that through PPE or distancing. Rural communities where most distilleries are also won't be as reliant on public transport for workers which is another major factor.
the Carling factory is still churning out lager with adjustments to it's processes anyway so I'm not sure why you're holding up the whisky industry as a bad example? https://www.thegrocer.co.uk/alcohol/coronavirus-molson-coors-scales-down-uk-operations-and-cuts-range/603968.article
how many distilleries are making products?
I also know distilleries more intimate than 99% of the world and can assure you you work intimately close with regular staff as well as outside support workers.