• #12402
Firstly again, I do not believe 'none' for a single second.
Secondly, why are you pretending those are the two only options?
• #12403
There is no response that results in no deaths. That Lonely Joe Parker twitter thread that @William. linked above is worth a read, specifically this:
"This was an impossible task for BJ: There is no such thing as a 'perfect' strategy out of lockdown.
- We still don't know if acquired immunity is effective, or lasting;
- We don't really know community prevalence;
- We don't have ANY idea how long this will go on.. 3/
We do however have a fairly good idea of the costs - and I'm talking in genuine, statistically-attributable, earlier-than-necessary, DEATHS here - of economic contraction. They are not trivial. They run to thousands a week, too. 4/"
- We still don't know if acquired immunity is effective, or lasting;
• #12404
Lynchian would be high praise for Boris's approach ;)
• #12405
Source for the thousands a week? Or is that world-wide, not just UK? The BBC wrote an article about avoidable deaths due to people not going to hospital/other reasons, their source said it was too early to call an exact figure.
Sure there is no "perfect" solution, but mass test/trace is recommended and the UK is not there yet.
• #12406
FT reporting that Sweden's economy looking like it will contract at the same rate as the rest of the EU at 8-10%-so it may be that lockdown-or lack thereof-won't avoid these economic casualties, sadly.
• #12407
It was an impossible task after we let it spread so much in the early phase.
• #12408
Firstly, unless you have proof otherwise? Did you read the Guardian article? It details just how seriously the Vietnam authorities took it all from day one.
Secondly, I’m not.
• #12409
Evidently the best district in the world. Or the highest...
• #12410
Similarly well explained!
• #12411
Firstly, unless you have proof otherwise?
I don't, I simply don't believe them.
Secondly, I’m not.
... you were. No one is getting shot in Germany either, and yet they are looking a lot better than the UK in all of this.
• #12412
Pandemic advice for all the Karens in your life, brought to you by the British Government's ministry of public misinformation: now available as attractive plush pillow covers and wall hangings.
1 Attachment
• #12413
Isn't is widely understood that 'multiple peaks' is an oxymoron?
Damn. So when I did the Three Peaks Bike Race last year, it was actually only one peak. Bugger.
• #12414
Lmao. UK is an absolute joke.
1 Attachment
• #12415
So Bobo said people can go back to work Monday now the BBC say that they mean Wednesday? How can they fuck up such a such a simple message?
• #12416
The villains aren't as cool though ;)
• #12417
Unless theres a genetic factor to their numbers they will get the spread eventually and then their old and frail will die as well a long with a number of younger ppl.
The price for having rights is hard to pinpoint but id sure rather live in uk than in vietnam.
• #12418
Vietnam has had no deaths from Covid. None.
I read this to say the Vietnam War has had no deaths from Covid. None.
And i was like, yes, that is a true statement... Odd, but true.
• #12419
It might be worth pointing out that this (also mentioned in the article) is because sweden is a country depending on exports so our option of lockdown vs no lockdown is still a better outlock just perhaps not massivly so compared to other nations who are less depending on exports for example. If one were to look at small business for example, they are far more likely to survive now than if we had a full lockdown. My own courier company would not survive for example. We have about 75-80% less work but those 25% we still get pays my rent (granted its cheap) and a bill or 2 and once restrictions are lifted more i expect work to climb back quite a lot pretty fast. Will be a while to reach pre corona levels ofc but beats going to the unemployement lines.
• #12420
Should that be multiplied rather than added?
• #12421
While I accept she has the authority to do that.
Is she going to foot the furlough bill when it ends in June? Is she going to foot the unemployment bill when businesses who can move south of the border to stay open?
I’d like to add I genuinely don’t want to go to Dufftown it’s a part of my job that’s a hangover from my last position it’s just the ridiculous nature that one part of a country is working while the other isn’t.
Also distilleries are still making whisky which is clearly nonessential. Some construction sites are still open. It’s all a fucking farce.
• #12422
Level 31,851.1
• #12423
It defintiely shouldn't be added - as the R rating in that makes do difference due to being swamped by the 10,000's of numbers of infections.
I don't know if it should just be multiplied though. I suspect not. I imagine they could have avoided the inevitable mockery from that slide by just annoucing that they had a model that took both into account.
• #12424
CEO of Heathrow just doesn't get it.
Just where does he want these flights to go?
Concorde-style day trips round the Bay of Bisquay? -
• #12425
I’m still trying to work out how that even exists, let alone tweeted from the UK Prime Minister’s account.
Interestingly, Luxembourg has just upped the ante where employers are concerned by copying the French law where if you feel unsafe at work (and it's reasonable, not that there's a 5G mast by your office), you can sign yourself off work with the relevant government department. It focuses the mind of HR departments that's for sure given that it comes with the threat of government inspections.