FT reporting that Sweden's economy looking like it will contract at the same rate as the rest of the EU at 8-10%-so it may be that lockdown-or lack thereof-won't avoid these economic casualties, sadly.
It might be worth pointing out that this (also mentioned in the article) is because sweden is a country depending on exports so our option of lockdown vs no lockdown is still a better outlock just perhaps not massivly so compared to other nations who are less depending on exports for example. If one were to look at small business for example, they are far more likely to survive now than if we had a full lockdown. My own courier company would not survive for example. We have about 75-80% less work but those 25% we still get pays my rent (granted its cheap) and a bill or 2 and once restrictions are lifted more i expect work to climb back quite a lot pretty fast. Will be a while to reach pre corona levels ofc but beats going to the unemployement lines.
There is no response that results in no deaths. That Lonely Joe Parker twitter thread that @William. linked above is worth a read, specifically this:
"This was an impossible task for BJ: There is no such thing as a 'perfect' strategy out of lockdown.
We do however have a fairly good idea of the costs - and I'm talking in genuine, statistically-attributable, earlier-than-necessary, DEATHS here - of economic contraction. They are not trivial. They run to thousands a week, too. 4/"