It was a poor attempt at humour, but yeah they are very heavy. Now, they are family bikes, the Bosch motor is great and the brakes are very powerful, so it doesn't have to be a deal-breaker.
Even not loaded it's just not an agile bike that you can whizz though small gaps and between pot holes, that's all.I don't know how old your youngest is but the Winther can accept a baby car seat facing the parent. Both Winther and Nihola can take a Weber seat, but it will be a little more cramped for the older kid in the Nihola.
Remember to keep your battery indoors as they don't like cold weather.
Same applies when charging your battery - it is better done at room temp.I have learnt that the hard way on my Douze but found a decent place in France for replacement batteries https://doctibike.com/fr/
The R&M are well built, easy to ride and very comfortable. You will need a geotechnical assessment for your storage space though, they're about the same weight as a house.