• #12352
Some NHS staff I know day that there is too much food at work, it is being wasted. They've also got secure jobs and would rather that money was given to a food bank.
Indeed. The major pushes I'm aware of are coordinated with the hospitals and staff and specifically aimed at the night shifts. Some hospitals have turned it down due to their night shift catering facilities. Other hospitals have accepted the meals with open arms as it takes a considerable stress away from the night shift staff before/during/after their shift.
• #12353
The FM thinks she can keep the guidelines in place because... well, she's the FM, health policy is devolved, and she seem to be prioritising saving the lives of citizens over economic activity. Same approach for Wales and Ireland. Survey on Friday put public support for continuing the lockdown at 75%.
Totally understand your frustration at potentially not being able to travel to work but are you really advocating that everyone follows Johnson in jumping off a cliff when he's shown no leadership or basic signs of competence thus far?
Don't even think the border force is necessary-Police have been monitoring the roads through the borders and turning cars back all weekend.. Newspapers reported one twat in an Audi got ticketed twice in the same day trying to drive down to pick up an eBay purchase from Warrington or somewhere fucking daft.
• #12354
Unions and HR will be having none of it I reckon. Employers have a fundamental obligation to do everything they can to keep workers safe and it's going to take a while for them to figure out how to do that best for each industry imhop.
• #12355
Late Sunday to prevent people from going out over the bank weekend
• #12356
The guidance on going out is identical to what it was before - now, I agree that it was presented differently but Johnson just re-iterated what was already in place.
• #12357
Cyclists countrywide rejoicing at being told they can now do what they were already doing
• #12358
1 Attachment
• #12359
You can now go out for exercise as long as you want and meet with one other from another household, so its a slight shift
• #12360
"You can sit in the sun in your local park, you can drive to other destinations, you can even play sports but only with members of your own household."
• #12361
Indeed, in addition to:-
Two people from different households will be allowed to meet outdoors if they stay more than two metres apart, the BBC understands, while it is also thought sports like golf, tennis, fishing and outdoor watersports will be allowed for people in the same household.
"https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51506729 (sources are useful for quotes)
• #12362
The BBC understands that the changes in the guidelines will mean two people from different households would be able to meet while sitting more than two metres apart in a park, and also that sports like golf, tennis, fishing and outdoor watersports will now be possible for people in the same household.
ITV and Sky have said they have been briefed the same
• #12363
I was about to add the source.
• #12364
There's nothing in the transcript of the speech about people from different households being able to meet as long as they stay 2 metres apart.
• #12365
No apparently the press were briefed on it seperatly according to Twitter
https://twitter.com/Peston/status/1259568847713165314 -
• #12366
sports like golf, tennis, fishing and outdoor watersports will be allowed for people in the same income bracket
• #12367
I have friends already extrapolating the "two people" to friendship groups meeting for park cans.
• #12368
Tx I'll have a look into healthy NHS grub.
But I know from a colleague who is friends with a nurse that some of them are having to use food banks...that was already the care before covid.
• #12369
It's also amazingly confusing and vague.
I can go for a walk with my 10yo daughter. No change there.
I can now go (alone) and meet someone from a different household as long as I apply social distancing and keep at least 2m from them.
But I can't go for a walk with my 10yo daughter and meet a friend and their 10yo daughter, despite applying social distancing as that's more than 1 person from each household.
But, I could go and meet a friend from a different household and keep 2m from them.
And, independently, my daughter could go for a very similar walk and meet her friend (who just happens to be the daughter of my friend) from a different household and keep 2m from them.
And we could just happen to meet up in roughly the same place. What a coincidence!
• #12370
Well, I for one, am quite prepared to meet up with the family Gove,
in a park and piss on them. Where do I sign up?
(Or have I misunderstood 'outdoor watersports'?) -
• #12371
A friend makes this interesting observation.
1 Attachment
• #12372
Isn’t it widely understood already that there could be multiple peaks?
• #12373
Good news everybody!
Covid-19 is in the (White) House.
Donnie's valet, Melania's personal assistant, Pence's press secretary, and Secret Service members. Donnie was all big and bad when it was a far-off hazard, now it's stalking him in his own home. He will react in his typical calm and rational manner, no doubt.
• #12374
• #12375
I do wish you'd listen, Wymer. It's perfectly simple. If you're not getting your hair cut, you don't have to move your brother's clothes down to the lower peg. You simply collect his note before lunch, after you've done your scripture prep, when you've written your letter home, before rest, move your own clothes onto the lower peg, greet the visitors, and report to Mr. Viney that you've had your chit signed.
It's largely aimed at construction and manufacturing I'd guess - go and build my offices whilst I have this Zoom meeting, peon.
That aside, WTF is going on with announcing this late on a Sunday? I presume there's now a panic cascading through workplaces throughout England as people try to work out if they have to go to work tomorrow morning.