• #12252
I despair for the way covid seems to have accelerated the culture way. Pandemic, plus vicious recession / depression, plus brexit, plus culture war, plus cynical and incompetent governance makes me worry about where we will be in 12-24 months time.
Still, at least it is sunny out.
• #12253
Maybe a world where Covid 19 gave us pause to understand that compassion, tolerance, care for our planet and each other being the only sensible and practical way forward. Or maybe we'll be back to same as before, just worse. Could go either way.
• #12254
Oh my fucking word. As someone who lives in Portsmouth...🤦🏻‍♂️
• #12255
BBC really is going hard on government propaganda these days.
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• #12256
pretty sure we're the thickest country in the EU
• #12257
Actually the use of the word restauranteur seems to have been in decline since at least 2004:
https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=GB&q=restauranteur -
• #12259
• #12260
Fuck, that's some technicality right there.
• #12261
Lockdown will continue for those that follow it.
• #12262
Maybe a world where Covid 19 gave us pause to understand that compassion, tolerance, care for our planet and each other being the only sensible and practical way forward.
Can you imagine!
• #12263
Meh. I haven't had either. I've been in lockdown since 12 March and in the absence of anything unusual for me haven't paid a lot of attention to what is required before you isolate. I tend to wait until I've got symptoms before exploring the NHS online symptom interactive adventure.
• #12265
Was going to chime in to say that it could be neither also, as a (large?) percentage are asymptomatic, no? It's a bit fascinating how we are 6 months in to this virus and there are still many unknowns and contradictions in the understanding of it, also many different approaches at dealing/coping with it that are all in flux too. What is a good idea today could look misjudged in retrospect and visa versa.
• #12266
From experience the symptoms are diverse and aren't so clear cut/easy to categorise anyway. I barely had a cough until my lungs went south and if anything my temperature was low even if I felt fevered, was more like a bit of a sore throat and runny nose for a couple of weeks which then morphed into tight chest, wheezing lungs, air hunger, fatigue and lung pain for another week. I did have a dry cough at times after lung symptoms emerged but it was really intermittent.
i guess what I'm saying is that if I'd gone solely on the symptom checker it would have been negative until the chest/lung symptoms kicked in, but my partner and I were suspicious of them so we leaned on the side of caution and didn't go to the shops without masks on etc before clear symptoms emerged, which seemed to have been met with relief by the docs we spoke to on the phone.
• #12267
Was reading about the toxic shock cases that have emerged in children too but took a long time to be associated with Covid. Our understanding of it will no doubt continue to evolve a lot over the next year.
• #12268
Bizarre that it is the Economist leading on showing just how much the UKGov is fudging the reporting of death stats.
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• #12269
If there are long lived antibodies and if we get a test for the masses it will be interesting to see how many of us have had it without many if any symptoms.
• #12270
That’s interesting.
Sky news ran a piece when we passed Italy’s toll. It mentioned Britain wasn’t doing as badly as Belgium (in deaths per population). It was pointed out by my family I’m Brussels ... yeah, Belgium count all suspected cases in the final figure.
Another example of where we are perhaps not seeing the truth.
• #12271
New measures re active transport could be a good thing to come out of this. How long until furious Daily Mail articles?
• #12272
Does make sense. You don't need to use the NHS 111 symptom thingy though, it's been all over the government Coronavirus advice page for ages. I'm just envious because I should probably consume less anxiety-inducing Covid info.
• #12273
Interesting blog post in the Scientific American regarding how CDC annual flu death estimates are giving a false impression of COVID lethality.
The 25,000 to 69,000 numbers that Trump cited do not represent counted flu deaths per year; they are estimates that the CDC produces by multiplying the number of flu death counts reported by various coefficients produced through complicated algorithms. These coefficients are based on assumptions of how many cases, hospitalizations, and deaths they believe went unreported. In the last six flu seasons, the CDC’s reported number of actual confirmed flu deaths—that is, counting flu deaths the way we are currently counting deaths from the coronavirus—has ranged from 3,448 to 15,620, which far lower than the numbers commonly repeated by public officials and even public health experts.<
• #12274
Thats pretty obvious as you dont test for the flu like u do for covid so to make a comparison only by numbers of ppl who tested possitive and then died for the 2 is completely useless.
The reason they have a calculated death for flu is because u dont test for it normally. Hence to compare the numbers as has been done is a lot more accurate than to compare the actual tested cases with the other. Its not unlikely that if corona is here to stay we may not test for that either in a few years time but have a calculated death (or so i would imagine if it becomes a part of the reccuring viruses)
Today it was reported that swedens health department think theres a big chance stockholm would achieve herd immunity allrdy in a month as they now believe only 40% of ppl infected would be needed vs the previous 60%. Dont know what changed this assumption but they would have tests next week to confirm the theory which hopefully is not disproved.
• #12275
Interesting how politics has entered the narrative in Spain this last week. The government set out a phased approach to lightening the lockdown and this Friday announced that only half the country would move on to the next phase (with more freedoms). Both Barcelona and Madrid were never going to move on as they have suffered comparatively badly but were outliers based on the data.
Valencia, where I am, has had low numbers in comparison to other regions with large cities but still has not been allowed to progress - cue the local government (and population) being up in arms and huge numbers breaking the rules today. So much talk about it being due to politics and blaming other cities, and all of a sudden the mood has really soured - just a day earlier and cafes and bars were preparing to open in a limited way and now have to wait.
Really shows how hard it is going to be in every country to get out of this.
JFC I can't.....