From experience the symptoms are diverse and aren't so clear cut/easy to categorise anyway. I barely had a cough until my lungs went south and if anything my temperature was low even if I felt fevered, was more like a bit of a sore throat and runny nose for a couple of weeks which then morphed into tight chest, wheezing lungs, air hunger, fatigue and lung pain for another week. I did have a dry cough at times after lung symptoms emerged but it was really intermittent.
i guess what I'm saying is that if I'd gone solely on the symptom checker it would have been negative until the chest/lung symptoms kicked in, but my partner and I were suspicious of them so we leaned on the side of caution and didn't go to the shops without masks on etc before clear symptoms emerged, which seemed to have been met with relief by the docs we spoke to on the phone.
From experience the symptoms are diverse and aren't so clear cut/easy to categorise anyway. I barely had a cough until my lungs went south and if anything my temperature was low even if I felt fevered, was more like a bit of a sore throat and runny nose for a couple of weeks which then morphed into tight chest, wheezing lungs, air hunger, fatigue and lung pain for another week. I did have a dry cough at times after lung symptoms emerged but it was really intermittent.
i guess what I'm saying is that if I'd gone solely on the symptom checker it would have been negative until the chest/lung symptoms kicked in, but my partner and I were suspicious of them so we leaned on the side of caution and didn't go to the shops without masks on etc before clear symptoms emerged, which seemed to have been met with relief by the docs we spoke to on the phone.