I've decided to upgrade to a pi4 4Gb, so that i can have USB3. Got a heatsink case as well, which should hopefully be enough cooling.
The plan now is OpenMediaVault with RAID 1 drives. Got a cheap as chips 16GB SanDisk A1 SD card for the OS. Will put on the Plex pligin to act as the DLNA server.
This will leave me with a couple of Pi3s and a ZeroW with not much to do. Oh well.
I've decided to upgrade to a pi4 4Gb, so that i can have USB3. Got a heatsink case as well, which should hopefully be enough cooling.
The plan now is OpenMediaVault with RAID 1 drives. Got a cheap as chips 16GB SanDisk A1 SD card for the OS. Will put on the Plex pligin to act as the DLNA server.
This will leave me with a couple of Pi3s and a ZeroW with not much to do. Oh well.