Yeah that's not what angling here is. It looks exactly like what @t-v posted, I've seen plenty of people just like that on the Cam towpath for example. I'm not saying they're all necessarily working class (some probably are) but they're not the same type of person as those who go out golfing, that's for sure.
Also, whatever the point is in terms of inclusion and diversity, it does make sense to allow more sports that aren't based on getting into a scrum with others.
I see it as a expensive sport or activity
Edit - see you've admitted defeat....
Most sports come with some not insignificant costs, but cycling and fishing are towards the low end in terms of minimum spend, for a sport you can do entirely alone.
You can pick up a perfectly serviceable second hand bike for less than £200, and need no further specialist equipment, other than maybe some allen keys, a pump and tyre levers.
For fishing, even less than that. https://www.decathlon.co.uk/ufish-sea-240-new-id_8350930.html?
We are about to undo some of the lockdown measures - the ones that impinge most on our civil liberties for minimal societal benefit. So, allowing you to play sports / do activities that do not involve social mixing is an important part of that. I'm looking forward to doing a big bike ride without feeling guilty once more than 10 miles from home!
I'm not sure about tennis. Playing with other members of your household would be fine, but will they allow you to play against someone else? The ball is going to get covered in sweat/bodily fluids and you're then going to wack it at them.
Do you really consider anglers to be the social equivalents of polo and croquet toffs? I mean, I guess there is a niche of salmon fly-fishers on Scottish estates but 90% of people i see fishing are definitely NOT from that economic or social world. Quite the opposite.