I have an old hub built into a wheel, I'm replacing the internals and freehub with those from a brand new hub. How do I remove the freehub from the new hub? I've got the right allen key, but I don't have a clamp or vice to hold the hub in place to get any leverage. The best idea I've had yet is to bolt something into the disc mounts on the other side, but I'm not quite sure what.
I have an old hub built into a wheel, I'm replacing the internals and freehub with those from a brand new hub. How do I remove the freehub from the new hub? I've got the right allen key, but I don't have a clamp or vice to hold the hub in place to get any leverage. The best idea I've had yet is to bolt something into the disc mounts on the other side, but I'm not quite sure what.
Any ideas?