this has been on my mind for a while. Town/city mayors / planners etc are shitting themselves across Europe I think. Thats why we're hearing stories of trying to ramp up cycling infrastructure during lockdown, for use afterwards. I think Germany and France have been pushing this at least.
Who wants to get on a busy bus/tube/train now? No one. So everyone is going to need to pick something else and more will pick driving than cycling.
An increase in cycling could also be a bit scary. I'm not sure I want to share a busy ASL at rush hour with more cyclists than previously, all panting and puffing after the CAT5 promute failed red light sprint.
He kills with kindness. It's way more effective than Corbyn ever was and I think he's getting the balance just right between being seen to be supportive during a time of national crisis while also pointing out the Government's many failings. He looks incredibly competent compared to Johnson's bluster and the lack of attack dog tactics just make him seem more like a proper grown up IMO.
I just watched this and Boris just said using public transport while maintaining social distancing won't be possible so there will be a new golden age of cycling.