I have a Garmin forerunner 35 and it seemed to be recording just fine this evening. When I tried to sync it, lots of general data went across to garmin connect but not the actual run, and when I tried to upload it manually it said the file was corrupted. I think I had maxed out the memory on the watch as now only the last 2 days activities are saved, I've cleared all those and hopefully it won't happen again. Annoying but at least I didn't lose the data of a race or anything (that would have pissed me off no end).
I have a Garmin forerunner 35 and it seemed to be recording just fine this evening. When I tried to sync it, lots of general data went across to garmin connect but not the actual run, and when I tried to upload it manually it said the file was corrupted. I think I had maxed out the memory on the watch as now only the last 2 days activities are saved, I've cleared all those and hopefully it won't happen again. Annoying but at least I didn't lose the data of a race or anything (that would have pissed me off no end).