Is it me or has the UK media stopped reporting the total deaths here? Looks like we're about to pass Italy for total deaths (according to woldometers, reliable?)
No, it's not just you. Yesterday the BBC were leading with the Sun story on what a brave boy Boris was, needing litres of oxygen and how a plan had to be made in case he died. Meanwhile, Reuters were leading with the fact the UK is shadowing Italy for total deaths behind the U.S., as you point out.
Jumping the gun somewhat, are infection and death rates falling?
And the short answer to this is nope
https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-health-coronavirus-eu-britain/uk-among-european-states-not-yet-on-covid-19-downward-slope-eu-says-idUKKBN22G14SThe head of the European Union agency for disease control said on Monday Britain was one of five European countries yet to begin a downward trend in its coronavirus outbreak, contradicting the British government’s line.
Of course you won't read anything contradicting the British government line on the BBC at the moment, it's being spectacularly supine, even for Auntie.
Is it me or has the UK media stopped reporting the total deaths here? Looks like we're about to pass Italy for total deaths (according to woldometers, reliable?)
Lots of talk about easing lockdown since Italy and Spain are doing it. Jumping the gun somewhat, are infection and death rates falling?