Yes but don't forget that there are a ton of other factors
NZ - Isolated island with relatively small numbers of external visitors
Vietnam - Similarly isolated from global travel, authoritarian Communist government
Australia - Low population densityBit of an oversimplification but there are always other factors beyond simply government response to things
NZ - Isolated island with relatively small numbers of external visitors
Any government can close borders/implement quarantine though? How quickly and efficiently they do this will inevitably help control the outbreak-South Korea has reduced the new infection numbers to new arrivals for example.
Australia - Low population density
on average, still has densely populated large cities. Also locked down pretty fast.
Bit of an oversimplification
It's a chart with a very limited purpose, designed to communicate an idea. I think it's supposed to be simplified. I don't think anyone is forgetting there are a ton of other factors, but Government response or lack thereof is one that i think everyone can agree is pretty fundamental.
New Zealand, Vietnam, Australia have done pretty well, no?
Guess it just depends if/when the vaccine comes along to be able to qualify that position. The sooner it does the more unnecessary deaths will have occurred in those nations that CBA locking down sufficiently to prevent them.