I've been doing a bit of HTML and CSS, very basic stuff to edit a website, but I'm sure I'm doing it all wrong. I've just been using W3 schools and WYSIWYG editors, just trying stuff out until it works the using that. I don't really understand anything beyond building something in HTML and putting it in the backend of a website but I quite enjoy doing it so I'd like to know the basics of how to do it properly. I guess development more than design as I'm not a creative
An online course would be great, as I could then do it from home as and when but if there's a particularly brilliant in person course then I'd consider that (though I imagine they're all online now)
I've been doing a bit of HTML and CSS, very basic stuff to edit a website, but I'm sure I'm doing it all wrong. I've just been using W3 schools and WYSIWYG editors, just trying stuff out until it works the using that. I don't really understand anything beyond building something in HTML and putting it in the backend of a website but I quite enjoy doing it so I'd like to know the basics of how to do it properly. I guess development more than design as I'm not a creative
An online course would be great, as I could then do it from home as and when but if there's a particularly brilliant in person course then I'd consider that (though I imagine they're all online now)