I had a deep realisation this morning that I need to paint some Warhammer. It's been on my mind for some months, but now seems like the perfect opportunity to reawake my inner nerd. (Wife isn't happy lol)
It's been many many years since I've set foot inside a Games Workshop and have absoluetly no idea where to start. Thoughts, opinions welcome. Also if there are any collectors / painters out there - feel free to share your work!
I had a deep realisation this morning that I need to paint some Warhammer. It's been on my mind for some months, but now seems like the perfect opportunity to reawake my inner nerd. (Wife isn't happy lol)
It's been many many years since I've set foot inside a Games Workshop and have absoluetly no idea where to start. Thoughts, opinions welcome. Also if there are any collectors / painters out there - feel free to share your work!