Oh yeah definitely, I think most I’d be saying bullit for sure.
Trailer yes and no, we forked out tonnes on a hamax outback2, but even very light drizzle and kiddo was paddling in water... contacted hamax and was told yeah the air system means there is nothing you can do to stop water coming in... useless in England! So glad we paid trade otherwise would have been a lot more out of pocket.
Kiddo is pretty happy in her thule seat, just thinking as she grows/friends/Siblings/junk hauling.
Probably get a smaller cargo trailer at some point and keep her on the bike / tandem/her bike!
bullitt frameset about £1500, issue is it wont fit round the back of my house, the front is used for stuff we cant/dont want to change, 2 parking spaces have cars on / are not in direct view...
I could detach this and get it round to the back easy enough!