Interesting, wonder what the 00 has that makes it more stretchy. That's the problem I have is stretching it out, kneed after kneed if I go real thin it seems to get holes.
Trying to decide if it's worth ordering 5lbs (2.2kg) for $18. the flour itself is $8, but shipping is $10 ... from Petaluma, which normally is a nice drive from SF except we're not allowed to drive really.
Forget getting 00 in SF atm, I managed to get bread flour from my local bakery though!
so I can get double 00 flour (even during htis flour shortage), but I'm not sure it's worth the hassle given that I only can use my oven to make the pizza. Oven is gas though, and does go 550f
i've just been doing cast iron style pizza for now with all purpose flour, but would 00 really make a difference?