For the sake of cleaning this up and moving on and back to it's initial purpose...
What was initially meant to be a pop at Sir Lord His Royal BootLicker Alan Sugar for displaying a fascisitc attitude to the press, one that has been mirrored by the electorate and in politics in general over the past few years, has turned into a debate about what facsism is and some tory boot licking.
Covid is fucked - the tories have made it worse and will continue to ruin this country. A lot of the electorate are willingliy partaking in this.
The ONS figures are horrible and i hope we can come up with some actual, political opposition to the tory's over the next year - something that his royal highness sir lord Keir Starmer Of The Bar is yet to have done once.
For the sake of cleaning this up and moving on and back to it's initial purpose...
What was initially meant to be a pop at Sir Lord His Royal BootLicker Alan Sugar for displaying a fascisitc attitude to the press, one that has been mirrored by the electorate and in politics in general over the past few years, has turned into a debate about what facsism is and some tory boot licking.
Covid is fucked - the tories have made it worse and will continue to ruin this country. A lot of the electorate are willingliy partaking in this.
The ONS figures are horrible and i hope we can come up with some actual, political opposition to the tory's over the next year - something that his royal highness sir lord Keir Starmer Of The Bar is yet to have done once.