It's about 8 years old, but when it was installed the person who installed it set the water filter at the same height as the worktop and cut the worktop to fit it closely.
End result: Filter cannot be serviced, has long ago become useless, and is now releasing clumps of particles into the water stream and is causing some degradation to the boiler.
It can be reversed... once I rip the kitchen out the filter can be removed, a new one placed at a serviceable height and the existing boiler stripped down and fully cleaned and serviced.
But why? I mean... this is already a timebomb, and I need to replace the kitchen to solve this and many other issues that arise from the DIY installation of the present kitchen. I've already got to change all electrics, some plumbing, make good everything around the existing boiler and rip out the cupboard it's in amongst other things... it makes sense to replace the boiler at this point and instead of going with the same thing again, I'll upgrade it to higher efficiency one and leave it on display.
It's about 8 years old, but when it was installed the person who installed it set the water filter at the same height as the worktop and cut the worktop to fit it closely.
End result: Filter cannot be serviced, has long ago become useless, and is now releasing clumps of particles into the water stream and is causing some degradation to the boiler.
It can be reversed... once I rip the kitchen out the filter can be removed, a new one placed at a serviceable height and the existing boiler stripped down and fully cleaned and serviced.
But why? I mean... this is already a timebomb, and I need to replace the kitchen to solve this and many other issues that arise from the DIY installation of the present kitchen. I've already got to change all electrics, some plumbing, make good everything around the existing boiler and rip out the cupboard it's in amongst other things... it makes sense to replace the boiler at this point and instead of going with the same thing again, I'll upgrade it to higher efficiency one and leave it on display.