For boilers I would defer to someone like @sacredhart who actually knows this stuff but availability of people to install/maintain and availability of spare parts at short notice would rank pretty high in my selection criteria. Boxing in is fine imo so long as there is access for servicing etc. There are specifications for the amount of free space you need to have around the unit
Boxing in is fine imo so long as there is access for servicing etc
I'm just taking the function over form to a ridiculous degree and embracing the aesthetic that if it looks like a cupboard, it's a cupboard... and if it looks like a boiler, it's a boiler.
For boilers I would defer to someone like @sacredhart who actually knows this stuff but availability of people to install/maintain and availability of spare parts at short notice would rank pretty high in my selection criteria. Boxing in is fine imo so long as there is access for servicing etc. There are specifications for the amount of free space you need to have around the unit