• #7852
Sorry, I won't elaborate on the bollocks right here and now. Forester is too misunderstood (and, as I said, this was partly his own fault) to capture in brief, and it only ever leads to inconclusive and divisive discussions about things of little importance. Let's just remember him.
• #7853
That article is very poor indeed. It's certainly no way to write an obituary.
• #7854
Do you know if John Franklin is writing anything in Forester's memory?
• #7855
That would be interesting
I'll ask John -
• #7856
Lynn Faulds Wood? (Was true, now false sadly.)
• #7857
Mike Huckaby Detroit legend
• #7858
I think there's going to be a few more by the end of the year.
• #7859
Aw man 😞 Total legend, RIP.
• #7860
Artists or specifically ones from Detroit? I can’t imagine the socio economic state there is going to help at all.
• #7861
House/Techno/hip hop from 1980s -2000s
• #7862
Kevin Saunderson was ill with covid
• #7863
Where did you read that?
• #7864
On his insta.
• #7865
Hamilton bohannon.
Now that's a pisser. -
• #7866
Irrfan Khan, Bollywood actor
• #7867
Climber joe brown.
• #7868
Again? He's not having much luck.
• #7869
Jill Gascoine (Actor)- it doesn't seen odd now to see women in leading roles but back in the day...
• #7870
Not just leading roles... but the first woman as a really tough feisty cop role. RIP.
• #7871
Tony Allen
• #7872
Fuck such a shame
Amazing, from his work with Fela through to Jeff Mills and even doing the drums on this
• #7873
Oh fuck what a legend he was
• #7874
Bollywood and beyond. I'd like to watch the Warrior again this weekend.
• #7875
I had no idea about that. RIP.
John was a proper cycling road warrior, he got himself arrested on a number of occasions riding a cycle on US motor only roads. Admired him loads for his reclaim the street mission.
I had one disagreement with him. When I wrote the latest version of the Cycle Training Instructor Manual I sent him a copy. He liked it but we didn't agree about the best saddle height.
Cycle instructors teach people to be able to stop and put the balls of their feet down while still sitting in the saddle. John insisted that this was too low and that riders should come forward and sit on the crossbar when stopping. John Franklin, the UK's version of Forester sided with me :) CSB