Well, the cartoon was mainly a joke; care to elaborate on the bollocks? Certainly the bits of Forester I've read on cycling infra did come across as cranky; while much of the vehicular cycling advice is sensible and helpful, it always seems to ignore the differential in ability to cause harm between the various types of vehicle on the road, as well as the fact that a certain percentage of drivers just don't give a shit about the safety of cyclists.
Sorry, I won't elaborate on the bollocks right here and now. Forester is too misunderstood (and, as I said, this was partly his own fault) to capture in brief, and it only ever leads to inconclusive and divisive discussions about things of little importance. Let's just remember him.
Well, the cartoon was mainly a joke; care to elaborate on the bollocks? Certainly the bits of Forester I've read on cycling infra did come across as cranky; while much of the vehicular cycling advice is sensible and helpful, it always seems to ignore the differential in ability to cause harm between the various types of vehicle on the road, as well as the fact that a certain percentage of drivers just don't give a shit about the safety of cyclists.